@bastler said in Wify AP mode not Working After firmware update: BTW, the pyupgrade script (toolversion=67634306) I got from debian apt-get Has a bug in lines 177..183: How did you get pyupgrade woth apt-get? You should load it from here: https://pycom.io/downloads/ During update it should be clear which type of device will be loaded. Loading the wrong formware is not expected to work. In the serial terminal REPL prompt, you should be able to tell. Just enter: import uos uos.uname() or push Ctrl-B Edit: if anything else fails, try to start over by erasing the flash, using esptool.py Edit 2: Indeed, lines 177..183 look strange, but they are only used for manual device selection. This looks like a candidate for a bug report here: https://github.com/pycom/pycom-micropython-sigfox